Our support team will be on hand to service all questions and queries right from contract commencement.

The service levels can be discussed in more detail on successful awarding of the contract to us we expected to provide phone, email and screen share support as our standard ways to answer queries.

Our support team can be reached using the following contact details:

Telephone 01902 375651 | Email

All queries submitted using our email address will automatically be entered into our Zendesk customer management system, creating a unique reference and confirming successful submission to the user with an email reply.

This means any out of hours issues can be submitted when they happen and we will pick them up immediately upon our reopening and a full history will be kept of all queries logged with us.

General support availability times are:
9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday

At OppSport, we have the flexibility to provide onsite or web-based training to one or many people at the same time.

We will work with you to establish a convenient and empowering timescale that will ensure users are skilled to advanced levels well in advance of the events taking place.

iPBS is designed to fit the accreditation requirements of most live sporting events.

However, any custom modifications or additional features outside of the agreed specification may be suggested to us and we will discuss this with you.

It is not foreseen that site visits will be required by OppSport to service the system or provide user assistance.

All technical queries for the software will be dealt with via our regular phone, email and screen-share methods.

However, if you would like OppSport to visit a site for an exceptional circumstance, we can agree the scope and time for the visit upon request.